Requests for Proposals

IBPSA-USA Requests for Proposals

For any of the following opportunities, please submit questions to Christine Do, Executive Director, at christine@ibpsa.us.

The IBPSA-USA Certification Committee has overall goals of providing certifications for modelers, reviewers, and software. These activities are currently in the initial planning stages. For software certification, ASHRAE Standard 140 already provides a series of software modeling tests and a procedure for determining if software meets an acceptance criteria based on those test results. A software certification program will likely include the ASHRAE 140 acceptance criteria as, at least, a portion of the overall certification process. As an initial step in the certification process, IBPSA-USA plans to develop an on-line portal for software developers to upload their ASHRAE Standard 140 results and for a list of software that meets the acceptance criteria to be publicly posted.

The result of this project is a web portal that is integrated into the existing IBPSA-USA website and could potentially be expanded to add more features in the future. The contractor will work with the IBPSA-USA administrative staff to determine appropriate development tool chain for development with the existing IBPSA-USA website structure. The consultant will have monthly progress review meetings with the Certification Committee Software Certification Working Group.

View the Full RFP.