Advances in Building Simulation Research – IBPSA-USA Boston Chapter

Nathaniel Jones, Holly Samuelson
Date of Recording:
Long Description

This Boston Chapter event features presentations from Nathaniel Jones and Holly Samuelson covering advances in building simulation research.

IBPSA-Boston promotes the science of building performance simulation in order to improve new and existing buildings worldwide while connecting Boston-area practioners.

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Presentation 1:

Nathaniel Jones
Advances in Thermal Comfort Modeling


Whereas conventional thermal comfort analysis assumes uniform and constant exposure to a given thermal environment, advanced thermal comfort analysis considers how the body can be exposed to varied and changing temperatures. Recently, Arup launched the first web-based tool to allow analysis of human thermal comfort under dynamic conditions. This presentation will discuss the development of and the value derived from analysis using this web tool.


Dr. Nathaniel Jones is a building scientist, educator, and software developer. His background spans architectural design, engineering, and computer science, with an emphasis on tools that aid informed decision making in early design. He is the developer of comfort.arup.com, Arup’s advanced online comfort modeling tool, and of Accelerad, a suite of open-source GPU-based lighting and daylighting simulation tools used by architects, engineers, and educators around the world.

Nathaniel is active in the building science community and serves on the board of the International Building Performance Simulation Association-USA chapter, where he chairs its Research Committee and subcommittee on Emerging Simulation Technologies. He is the author of multiple journal and conference papers related to building energy and daylighting simulation, and he has regularly been an invited speaker on the application of parallel computation to building simulation.

Presentation 2:

Professor Holly Samuelson: Advanced research topics in building simulation.


Holly Samuelson will present an overview of her team’s research in building simulation. This includes simulating mold growth, passive survivability, and views.


Dr. Samuelson is an Associate Professor of Architecture at the Harvard Graduate School of Design and co-head of the Master of Design in Energy and Environment program.  Her research and teaching focus on energy performance and occupant health in buildings in a changing climate.

Among her authored and coauthored papers, she has contributed articles to Applied Energy, Journal of Environmental Management, Building and Environment, Energy and Buildings, and the Journal of Building Performance Simulation. Prior to joining Harvard, Samuelson practiced full-time as an architect (2000-2007) and sustainable design consultant (2007-2008), and she prioritizes forging links between academia and the building industry. She was the first president of IBPSA Boston, serving from 2011-2013.

building simulation, thermal comfort, thermal comfort modeling, advanced thermal comfort analysis, passive survivability, mold