Article Submission Guidelines

IBPSA-USA invites our friends and members in the community to submit articles for publication on our site, and in our monthly newsletter. Share your organization’s news and updates with us, or tell us about your amazing projects.

We accept various types of submissions, including:

  • Articles with important news or updates. One or more photos are encouraged for articles, but are welcome without.
  • Article ideas for IBPSA-USA. Got an idea for us to explore further? Let us know.
  • Training or event announcements. Let the community know about your upcoming events or trainings. A photo can be included as well.
  • High-resolution photos of your project. We accept larger, high-resolution photos for our homepage slideshow feature. Please provide a link as well.
  • Videos of trainings or presentations. We can host and share your videos on the IBPSA-USA website. Please also provide a brief description with your submission. Videos can also be included with articles, and event/training announcements if desired.

Please send your material to ops@ibpsa.us. We ask that you carefully proofread your article submissions, and keep them within 150-800 words in length. Please also note that all submissions will be considered, but we don’t guarantee publication.

Our newsletter goes out on the third Tuesday of each month. Please send us your materials 4-5 days before if you’d like us to consider it for the newsletter. Again, all submission for the newsletter are considered, but we don’t guarantee inclusion–even if your material has been published to our website. Late submissions, if approved for the newsletter, will appear in the following month’s edition–unless they are time sensitive. Photos, if provided, will accompany your material on the website, but not in the newsletter.

If you have further questions about our article submission guidelines, please email ops@ibpsa.us.

Get Your Content Sponsored in our Newsletter


IBPSA-USA has developed a sponsored content program for companies and organizations to share items we think our readers will find valuable or interesting. IBPSA-USA staff, board or committees, were not formally involved in the creation of this content, nor does IBPSA-USA directly endorse their products, services, or statements.

AnchorSponsored content is clearly labeled as “Sponsored” within the newsletter, and is paid for by sponsors who are seeking targeted exposure for their breaking news, services, or products. A photo and blurb is also included. This differs from “regular” content that is submitted through the guidelines above. Regular content can be included without a fee (if it’s accepted for publication by the IBPSA-USA team), as long as our guidelines are met, and the content isn’t selling/promoting products or services.

Learn more about getting your sponsored content in our newsletter by contacting Christine Do, Executive Director, at christine@ibpsa.us