Become A Sponsor

IBPSA-USA Sponsorship Program

The IBPSA-USA Sponsorship Program provides a forum for friends, colleagues, and organizations to support our mission and jointly advance the vision of fostering better buildings through energy simulation. Many organizations have chosen to support IBPSA-USA through the sponsorship program. 

IBPSA-USA offers sponsors a unique sponsorship opportunity to reach a highly targeted, highly influential constituency within the building industry. IBPSA-USA is unlike any other organization in this sector.


• We serve as the clearinghouse for knowledge and best practices in building performance simulation. 

• Our focus and influence on the use of analysis tools including software language development, software development, university research, policy developers and practitioners. 

• We are the only organization that brings together subject matter experts for debate on the best practices in the industry of building simulation in a comprehensive inclusive manner. 

• Members engage in whole building energy modeling, as well as component modeling of architectural elements, thermal heat transfer, computational fluid dynamics, thermal mass, daylighting, thermal comfort, visual comfort, natural ventilation and others.

• We publish technical papers bi-annually at our conferences and develop proceedings that are available for free download.

• Our mission is to provide open access to best practices in the industry so that individuals have the best information available. 

Brand Awareness:

IBPSA-USA can provide a channel for awareness and brand building through our relationships with national labs like the LBNL, PNNL, NREL and the DOE. Our close ties to educational institutions like Texas A&M, the U.C Berkeley’s Center for the Built Environment and utilities like PG&E and ConEdison. 

In addition, your logo and company information can be shared via:

• IBPSA-USA web site – (200K annual traffic)

• Monthly Newsletter – (Over 10k member mailing list)

• Building Energy Software Tools Directory

• Conference materials, presentations, etc.

A close relationship with IBPSA-USA gives our sponsors access to the latest developments (the cutting edge) in research and innovation. Most importantly, your support furthers our mission of fostering better buildings through simulation. 

More Information:

Learn more about becoming a sponsor by reviewing our IBPSA-USA Sponsorship Program Guide.