Committee Spotlight: IBPSA-USA Chapters Committee

With numerous energy modelers, students, practioners, and IBPSA-USA members around the United States, it is essential to IBPSA-USA’s purpose to nourish the community at large and at the local level. The IBPSA-USA Chapters Committee is the entity responsible for establishing, sustaining, and supporting IBPSA-USA Chapters. 

There have been numerous successes with IBPSA-USA Chapter Events in recent years. From many informative virtual sessions throughout the pandemic including IBPSA-USA Wisconsin on Infectious Disease Transmission, to an entire one-day IBPSA-USA Houston Chapter Performance Huddle event with numerous speakers, the many IBPSA-USA Chapters have numerous experts with ideas and knowledge to share. 

The Chapters Committee assists local chapters to help each other and IBPSA to share ideas, resources, and best practices for success. Some of the responsibilities include maintaining guidelines and best practices, creating procedures for organization of the chapters, convening with chapter representatives, and technical assistance with chapter resources.

Are you interested in helping support IBPSA-USA’s vision and purpose to have thriving and vibrant communities and chapters? Do you have specific ideas for chapters, chapter events, or the organization of chapters? If so, please get involved and let chapters@ibpsa.us know you would like to help!