IBPSA Mixas are intended to be casual discussions with technical experts on emerging and exciting topics. Our experts will provide lightning talks, and we will have space for open discussion and debate. Following the technical portion, we will have time to connect with IBPSA colleagues from all different building-related fields. Please join us for the next IBPSA Mixa where we’ll discuss daylight savings time as it relates to building modeling. Feel free to come with your questions on the topic, add your expertise, and have a fun time! For the social portion of the Mixa, get ready to defend your love/hate of DST!
Presented by: IBPSA-USA’s Research Committee: Mixas Working Group featuring Dr. Hyojin Kim and Matt Steen.
Date: Monday, November 6, 2023
Dr. Hyojin Kim
Hyojin Kim, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor with tenure in the Hillier College of Architecture and Design at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) and a Guest Researcher at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). She also serves as the Director of the Joint Ph.D. Program in Urban Systems at NJIT. She received her Ph.D. degree in Architecture at Texas A&M University. Prior to joining NJIT in 2019, she was an Assistant Professor at the Catholic University of America for six years.
Dr. Kim has extensive research experience in the field of building energy efficiency and Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) for designing next-generation built environments. Her research projects include an evaluation of advanced low-energy building systems and technologies in terms of their energy efficiency and IEQ performance in collaboration with the NIST, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), and leading industry partners such as Samsung Electronics and SmithGroupJJR. She has participated in multiple research projects on her subject areas funded by NIST, the U.S. Department of Energy, the National Center for Preservation Technology and Training, Samsung Electronics, the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), the U.S. EPA, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, and the U.S. Army. She has authored or co-authored over 40 peer-reviewed papers and over 40 technical reports.
She is a member of ASHRAE, the International Society of Indoor Air Quality (ISIAQ), the International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA), and the Society of Building Science Educators (SBSE). She currently serves as the Chair of the ASHRAE’s new Guideline Project Committee (GPC) 45P Measurement of Whole Building Performance for Occupied Buildings except Low-Rise Residential Buildings, Vice Chair for the ASHRAE Technical Committee 4.7 Energy Calculations, Research Subcommittee Chair for the ASHRAE TC 7.6 Building Energy Performance, and a voting member for the GPC 14 Measurement of Energy, Demand and Water Saving.
Matt Steen
Matt Steen is a research engineer in the Building Technologies and Science Center at NREL where he focuses on developing software for enabling and evaluating high performance buildings. Previously, he spent two years at NREL as an intern and graduate research assistant. Prior to rejoining NREL in 2021, Matt spent six years in the private sector where he provided building energy modeling for code compliance, certification, incentive programs, and building performance goals. He is a Building Energy Modeling Professional and has a master’s degree in architectural engineering from the University of Colorado Boulder. Prior to his career in the energy sector, Matt was a wildland firefighter for the Bureau of Land Management and Forest Service.